A Comprehensive Guide On How To Prepare For Vasectomy
When it comes to family planning, a vasectomy stands out as a definitive choice for permanent birth control. A common question we often get from men is how to prepare for a vasectomy.
Taking Control Of Your Future: What To Know About Vasectomy
The decision to undergo “the snip” is a big one and requires a comprehensive understanding of the procedure, its benefits, and potential concerns. This guide developed by The Cooper Clinic is designed to provide you with an insight into what to know about vasectomy, empowering you to make an informed decision about your future and whether this form of birth control is the right one.
What to Expect From Post-Vasectomy Sex?
Is it all snip, snip hooray? While it’s a quick procedure with life-changing benefits, the thought of any snipping in the family jewels region scares the best of us. Whether you’re booked to have your surgery or still considering it, post-vasectomy sex is probably top of your worries list – right up there with wondering […]
Can a Vasectomy Cause Performance Woes?
Everything you need to know about getting it up after getting the snip. Getting the snip is often a procedure shrouded in mystery, misinformation, and myths. While there are important family factors to consider before signing up for a vasectomy, your ability to get it up shouldn’t be one of them. Here’s why. Just a […]