Our Process

Once you request an appointment, one of our staff will contact you in a timely manner to book a date and time. Once your booking is confirmed you will receive an email with further information.

On the day of the vasectomy, you will be greeted by our staff. They will give you pre- and post-vasectomy care instructions and provide you with a lab testing kit.

Our experienced doctors will discuss any questions that you may still have with you before the vasectomy. The actual procedure only last for 10-15 minutes.

Afterwards there is a short recovery period where you’ll be monitored by us for 10 minutes to make sure that you are good to go.

12 weeks later you will receive a reminder email that it is time to drop off your semen sample at the laboratory. This will confirm the success of the procedure and complete your journey of family planning with us.

Procedure Cost

Vasectomy With Local
Anaesthetic: $695

Vasectomy With IV
Sedation: $1,095

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The cost includes:

  • Consultation
  • Vasectomy
  • Follow up consultations if needed
  • Lab testing
  • Confirmation of result

Semen Analysis

semen analysis

12 weeks after the vasectomy procedure we will ask you to drop off your semen sample at the laboratory. This will confirm the success of the procedure and complete your journey of family planning with us.


Download Our Vasectomy Information Brochure

Frequently Asked Questions

What to Expect

During a no-scalpel vasectomy, the doctor will use the following process:

  • Feel your tubes under the skin.
  • Make a 5mm opening over the the tubes – also known as the vas deferens tubes – using a special instrument and locate them.
  • Bring each tube to the surface and cauterize them using a Hyfrecator, which is a “laser” electrosurgical device.
  • Return the separated tubes to the scrotum and allow the opening to heal naturally.

With this type of vasectomy, there is minimal bleeding, and the opening typically does not require stitches and heals quickly without leaving a scar.

While some men may feel nervous about getting a vasectomy, we want to reassure you that at The Cooper Clinic, we have performed thousands of successful vasectomies and our patients are highly satisfied with their experience. We work tirelessly to make sure that you have the best possible experience, in a stress free, professional setting. Furthermore, we do cater to patients who have needle phobias or are more anxious about medical procedures. If that is you, please reach out to one of our staff and we will gladly discuss all available options we offer with our personalised health care.

No – There is no evidence to suggest that vasectomy affects a man’s sex drive or testosterone levels. The procedure does not interfere with a man’s ability to get an erection, have an orgasm, or ejaculate. After a vasectomy, any sperm that the body produces is reabsorbed into the body and does not travel through the vas deferens to the semen. The only effect of the procedure is that the man will no longer be able to father a child.

Following a vasectomy, it typically takes a few months for any residual sperm to clear out of the ducts. It is recommended to have around 20 ejaculations during this time to help “clear the tubes.” After three months, around 80% of men will no longer have live sperm in their semen, although for some men, it may take a bit longer. It’s important to use another form of contraception until it has been confirmed that there is no longer live sperm in your semen. Please note that you need to use other forms of protection until you receive the written confirmation from us that you are no longer fertile.

It’s recommended to avoid heavy lifting, running, cycling and other strenuous activities for 7 to 10 days following a vasectomy. After that you can slowly start up your training routines again. It’s important to follow these guidelines to give your body time to heal and avoid any complications.

Possible complications of a vasectomy include a 1-2% risk of wound infection or internal bleeding. Some men may experience long-term pain in the scrotum (chronic testicular pain syndrome), but it’s difficult to predict before a vasectomy if you’re likely to have ongoing pain. Additionally, other potential complications may include bruising, sperm leaking into the scrotum causing swelling (sperm granuloma), or a dull ache in the scrotum for several weeks or months after the procedure.

Long term

While it is possible to reverse a vasectomy, it’s a more difficult procedure that requires the expertise of a specialist and is usually done under general anaesthetic. The surgery involves re-joining the cut ends of the vas deferens using microsurgery techniques. If done correctly, sperm returns to the ejaculate in at least 4 out of 5 vasectomy reversals. However, even after a successful reversal, there is no guarantee of fertility as some men develop sperm antibodies that can stop fertilization from happening. On average, about 40-70 percent of couples achieve a pregnancy over the next 2-3 years of regular sex following a vasectomy reversal. If you are considering a vasectomy but may want more children in the future, there are options available such as freezing your sperm before the procedure or using assisted reproductive technology (ART) to achieve pregnancy. It’s important to discuss these options with your GP or vasectomist before undergoing the procedure. At The Cooper Clinic, we work closely with Fertility Specialists to ensure your family planning needs are met.

At present, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that having a vasectomy can lead to long-term health risks. Claims that vasectomy is linked to increased risk of prostate cancer have been disputed by recent research. In fact, a review of 53 studies that involved more than 15 million men found no significant correlation between vasectomy and serious prostate cancer.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Getting
Ready for a Vasectomy

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